Isolation between color correction and color grading

Isolation between color correction and color grading
30 Mar

In the post-production, process coloring is done through color correction or color grading but color correction and color grading are different.

Color fix

Color correction refers to the process where each clip of the footage is changed to match the appearance quality. To balance the colors, to make whites look white, and blacks appear black and to make sure everything is equal. The goal is to match the video footage to a standard that accurately depicts how the human eye will view it.

An example of the day is an example of this when you are shooting outside. During the day, the quality of the sun is going to change and some of the shots in your video will not match. This is why the color correction is important because it will show your video the way it was shot all at once.

Color correction is only the first pass in a color workflow. This should be seen first by a colorist before proceeding to color grading.

Color grading:

Color correction takes you one step further than color correction Color color grading enhances your story by manipulating colors to create a new tone or mood or to give a specific look to the story. According to, "color can often affect us sensitively, emotionally, and even physically without making us aware." "Color grading can make a serious difference in the footage.

Here are some great examples of professional color grades from Studio Binder:

In the first example, from Black Hawk Down, the blue is much more saturated, and the brightness is turned down, with the highlights lowered as well. The effect is a great look for sci-fi footage.

Ungraded vs graded in Black Hawk Down.

The next example, below, is a landscape shot which also comes from a Ridley Scott film, The Martian.

You?ll notice immediately how much darker the sand in the ungraded clip looks, and, obviously, the amount of saturation in the sky. It looks like, well, Mars.

Non-graded vs. graded in The Martian.

The process of color correction is to make the footage look exactly like the things in the human eye. Color Grading Where you have created the true aesthetics of your video, proper color grading helps to convey a visual tone or mood.

To summarize, check out this 30-second video that quickly explains the differences between color correction and color grading.

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Md Forhad Hossen

Meet Forhad! A technical writer with a Computer Science background. He combines her academic knowledge & creativity to transform complex facts into engaging content. With a sharp eye for detail, she keeps readers updated on tech trends.

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