How to make transparent background in photoshop

How to make transparent background in photoshop
30 Mar

Images are used for various purposes nowadays. It is a necessary element in business or personal use. But to create a red X transparent background for any image, Adobe Photoshop is the most effective top-of-the-line photo editing software.

Creating a red X transparent background in Photoshop is not a difficult process. There are several transparencies (x transparent background, layer, or part) options in Photoshop via the opacity meter or a red document transparent background option that can be used to create a new document.

Step 1: Create your image in a layered file

 First, you need to open your image in Photoshop. It will probably be in a JPG format. You can use any image taken against a white red x transparent background.

Then open your level panel. This panel is located to the right of your image window by default. If you can't access it at any point, you can click Window Layers from the dropdown menu at the top of the application window. Now you need to double-click on the red X transparent background layer in the Layers panel. You will see a new layer dialogue box appear, asking you to rename the layer.

If you want, you can leave it as the default level of 0 and click the OK option.

You will now see that you have unlocked your background layer and whatever you delete will be the transparent background of the T-shirt at once.

Step 2: Make your selection

You will find the toolbar on the left side of the application window. Select the Magic Wand tool from the toolbar. From the Options bar at the top of the screen, click Select Subject. Now, what Photoshop will try to do is select the object from your photograph regardless of the background.

You will see that the election looks like a ?marching ant? that surrounds the election.

 If the selection is not flawless, you can use a tool called Magic Wand to remove more backgrounds from the selection section or add more images of the selection depending on how the selection is made.

 In this example, Photoshop did not completely remove the image shadow from the selection. So we will choose the minus from the selection icon in the options bar and click on the shadow parts with the Magic Wand tool until the selection is fully clockwise.

 When you produce your selection, make sure you choose any location where there are ?holes? in your product image, such as where the clock face appears in the example image.

Step 3: Delete the background.

Once you have your product in hand, type SHIFT + CTRL + I (SHIFT + COMMAND + I on a Mac) typewriting or select Reverse from the dropdown menu at the top of the Appliance window.

 You need to type BACKSPACE (delete on a Mac) with your hand-picked background. Your background will now become transparent. In Photoshop, a red X transparent background is illustrated with a gray and white checkerboard pattern.

 Type CTRL + D (COMMAND + D on a Mac) so you can select your selection from the selection.

Step 4: Save your image in the perfect web-ready format

Creating a transparent background of X symbols in Photoshop is just the first step; You want to make certain to save your image in the correct format to show the x symbol with transparent background on your eCommerce website.

The best format to save all your images is PNG-4. This format allows for multiple layers of clarity, which means your image cannot be pixelated "Hall" at once on an impressive color red X transparent background. Older T-shirt transparent background files formats like PNG-8 and GIF will produce this unwanted hello effect, so whenever possible, use a PNG-44.

To save your file as PNG-44 in Photoshop CC, you need to type SHIFT + ALT + CTRL + W (SHIFT + Options + COMMAND + W on a Mac) or select File Export Expo

ClippAsia Professional Photo Editing Service Provider
Md Forhad Hossen

Meet Forhad! A technical writer with a Computer Science background. He combines her academic knowledge & creativity to transform complex facts into engaging content. With a sharp eye for detail, she keeps readers updated on tech trends.

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