Remove background from image in Photoshop

Remove background from image in Photoshop
28 Mar

In the case of photo editing, you will hear the word - remove the background from an image. This has been a very useful and popular way, especially in the e-commerce industry. What it does: It clears the inappropriate ground of an image to make it more perfect. In this case, Photoshop offers editors the option to remove the experience in a variety of ways.

Good! We will try to keep all the possible strategies in our guide so that you can choose the most suitable one.

Photoshop Overview

Photoshop: Who hasn't heard of the most powerful photo editing software? It has become the first and essential choice of millions of designers worldwide. Photoshop is the ultimate solution for manipulating, assembling, and converting images into various formats. Should you need to color or modify or remove the background from the product or content image, an easy way to do this

How to remove background from image in Photoshop

Now let's see how to remove the background from an image effectively.

1. Remove the background with background eraser tools

Step 1

First, select the image from which you want to remove the background. Then unlock the background layer.

Step 2

Create a new layer and drag it down after level 0.

Step 3

Select the Fill option from the menu.

Step 4

Now you need to select the color of the nozzle with the fill button and keep the opacity 100%

Step 5

From the toolbar, select the background eraser tool to start the background removal operation.

Step 6

At this stage make the necessary changes from the options in the red boxes. Allow it to zoom in and highlight the "Product Foreground Color" option to change the "tolerance" percentage to suit your needs.

Step 7

Select level 0 and start marking the background you want to move the image with the Eraser tool.

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